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- Grand Rapids, MI April 24, 2024 ArtiFlex Manufacturing announced today the acquisition of Ingemat, headquartered in Spain. Ingemat is an engineering company offering robotic automation projects for different industrial applications and specializes in turnkey tailor-made projects for the automoti


Grand Rapids, MI   April 24, 2024 ArtiFlex Manufacturing announced today the acquisition of Ingemat, headquartered in Spain.  Ingemat is an engineering company offering robotic automation projects for different industrial applications and specializes in ...Lesen Sie mehr +

- INGEMAT implements the “PLCCODE” project


Project 6/12/2i/2023/62 - PLCCODE: AUTOMATIC SEQUENCE CODE GENERATOR FOR PLCs IN ASSEMBLY LINES FOR THE AUTOMOTIVE SECTOR   Ingemat develops, within the 2i 2023 program promoted by the Diputación Foral de Bizkaia, the PLCCODE project for the development ...Lesen Sie mehr +

- Development of R&D project ROBTWIN


Ingemat develops, within the HAZITEK program promoted by the SPRI society of the Basque Government, the ROBTWIN project for the development of a “new generation digital twin for customization of virtual commissioning of lines of flexible ...Lesen Sie mehr +

- INGEMAT participates in the R&D project AUTOGEN


Ingemat participates, within the HAZITEK program promoted by the SPRI company of the Basque Government, in the AUTOGEN project for the development of a “Cloud platform for the generative 3D design of production plants in the automotive sector”. ...Lesen Sie mehr +

- INGEMAT participates in the ALUJOINT project


Ingemat participates, within the HAZITEK program promoted by the SPRI society of the Basque Government, in the ALUJOINT project for the "Development of modular lightweight chassis through the integration of structural components hybridizing advanced ...Lesen Sie mehr +

- FLEXROL Project Implementation


Ingemat develops, within the 2i program promoted by the Provincial Council of Bizkaia, the FLEXROL project for the development of a cleaning system as an element for improving the quality of the roller hemming process in the automotive sector.   «Bizkaiko Foru Aldundiak ...Lesen Sie mehr +

- AVINSPEC Project Implementation


Ingemat develops, within the 2i program promoted by the Provincial Council of Bizkaia, the AVINSPEC project for the development of a vision system for the inspection and quality control of the hemming process for the automotive sector.   «Bizkaiko Foru Aldundiak ...Lesen Sie mehr +

- ArtiFlex Manufacturing, LLC and Ingemat S.L.


ArtiFlex Manufacturing, LLC and Ingemat S.L. join their sales, marketing, and engineering resources to be a joint supplier who brings experienced assembly cell integration and technology capabilities to our automotive customers in the US.  We are ready to help bring your low to mid volume, ...Lesen Sie mehr +

- Interview to our Corporate Manager, Jorge Darpont


Onda Vasca has interviewed to our Corporate Manager, Jorge Darpont, because of the 35th of the Parque Cientifico y Tecnológico de Bizkaia. During the interview, he also spoke about the history of INGEMAT, this year is also our 35th Anniversary and we were one of the ...Lesen Sie mehr +

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