
Solutions d’ingénerie pour l’automatisation industrielle

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- Development of the R&D project iENSAM


Ingemat develops, within the HAZITEK program promoted by the SPRI company of the Basque Government, in the iENSAM project for the development of “Modular systems for the flexibility of assembly lines”. The main objective of the iENSAM project is to provide ...Lire plus+

- Strategic Reflection 2020


As every year, Ingemat has celebrated its strategic reflection meeting, which in addition to the workshop sessions this time included visiting a wine cellar, a karting race. Work hard, play hard! ...Lire plus+

- NGEMAT has taken part in the "Industry Day"


INGEMAT has taken part, today November 6th, in the “Industry Day” to bring the industrial reality to the future professionals, with the aim of generating vocations, especially among women.   The students, in their first year of vocational ...Lire plus+

- The XXVIII edition of “La Noche de la Empresa Vasca”


The XXVIII edition of “La Noche de la Empresa Vasca”, was held at the Guggenheim Museum. INGEMAT, S.L. as winner of the “Made in Euskadi 2017”, represented by our President Mr. Victor Picó, gave the award to INGETEAM POWER TECHNOLOGY represented by Mr. Adolfo Rebollo ...Lire plus+

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